Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Elohai n'tsor l'shoni mera

Lord, guard my tongue from evil
and my lips from speaking deceitfully
To those who curse me,
may my soul be unresponsive
and let my soul be like dust to all.
[but to those who bless me,
may my soul be responsive.
May my soul be full of gratitude
and may I remember to express gratitude
to all the many who bless me.]
Open my heart to your Torah
and may my soul pursue your commandments.
[and may I leave the rest to you!]
And all who plan evil against me,
quickly annul their counsel
and frustrate their intention.
[and all who plan good for me and others,
quickly allow me to aid their counsel
and to support their intention.]
Aseh l'ma'an Shmecha...

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