Wednesday, July 24, 2013


How do you deal with a new, annoying symptom that looks like it's going to be permanant?

I've always hated wearing socks to bed. Cold feet are bad, too, but I like the sensation of bare feet under the covers. At least, I did - until I developed, not exactly numbness, but a sensory distortion in my feet that distances sensation... as if my feet were covered by socks. All the time. Including bed-time.

That started over ten years ago. Sometimes it's been worse, and even a bit painful - more like walking with fishnet stockings, or lumpier fabric, against my bare feet - but I've tried to accept it. After all, it isn't as disabling as my inability to stand long or walk far, with which I've also had to live. If I feel a need to complain, it makes more sense to complain about actual inabilities, not mere annoyances.

This has been a really rough patch in my life, which has caused stress, which has set off new problems. One result: I no longer feel like I'm wearing socks. Instead, I feel like I'm wearing rather tight sandals. All the time. I reach down to take off my sandals before, say, getting into the shower, only to realize that I'm barefoot, as I have been all day.

Given the "sock" business, I'm sure the "sandal" business will also last a long time, until something worse replaces it. I've been doing a lot of crying because of my rough year, and this annoyance is one more thing to set off my depression.

What shall I do to distract myself until I learn to accept it?

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