Sunday, January 8, 2012

Knee Relief

Yesterday was such a frustrating waste, and I had things I needed to do today - so I took the little pill that isn't supposed to help with fatigue, but does.

Linda N., who was approaching knee replacement, introduced me to Knee Relief a few years ago when I was having lots of shoulder pain (before Susan Lattanzi, that wonderful phys. ther., got me to improve my home-office set-up and turned me on to a rollator). The super-pain-killer didn't help my shoulder - but something in the combo of caffeine + anti-inflammatories cut down my MS fatigue to a bearable level. I'm afraid to use it too much - what if it stops working?! - but now and then...

So I took it this AM, and successfully
- did all my morning blessings & exercises
- attended the Social Action Committee meeting (only a little late)
- drove (alone) to Neville Manor for the annual sing-along with the BETC crowd
- shopped for milk & other needed groceries
- took a 1/2 hr walk (& run-a-bit) while it looked gray indoors but the sun was still visible outdoors

Okay, supper time - and then let's see how much I can still accomplish today. (I hope I've earned a night's sleep for a change!)

1 comment:

Marion said...

Of course, they stopped selling Knee Relief about a year after that post.